One's physical attractiveness affects the way a person is perceived and treated, by others. Women experience considerable pressure to look young and attractive. One potential consequence is that women are much more likely than men to express interest in and receive cosmetic surgery, particu-larly procedures that restore the appearance of youth, such as liposuction, face lifts, and eyelid surgery.1'2 Furthermore, older women may expe-rience added pressure to obtain appearance-alter-ing surgery because they feel they are competing with younger women for the attentions of their current or potential romantic partners. An addimass index and general interest in cosmetic surgery.3 One possibility is that body mass index is tied to interest in specific surgical procedures such as liposuction, particularly among individuals dissatisfied with their weight.
Face Transplant Since the world‘s first face transplant in 2005, only nine have been completed in the US. and 3; worldwide. Given the complexity of the procedure, facial transplantation has been limited to patients with severe facial deformities. Following the success of the arm/hand transplant program, a multidisciplinary team at Johns Hopkins. including plastic and reconstructive surgeons, ENT surgeons, oculoplastic surgeons, and critical care and anesthesiologists, has been preparing for face transplants. “A critical aspect of our facial transplant program is the collaborative effort of these different specialties coming together, providing their expertise, and forming the very best that Johns Hopkins Medicine olfers for our potential recipients,” says Amir Dorafshar, clinical co-director of the Face Transplant Program. The multidisciplinary team has identihed a potential recipient and recently trained surgeons from various backgrounds to work cohesively in a synchronized ...
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